Best Divorce Lawyer Lake Charles LA

1-800-DIVORCE ® of Lake Charles

2424 3rd St, Lake Charles, LA 70601


You won't find the best divorce lawyer on a me-too lawyer advertising platform where every single lawyer looks the same.

Me-Too lawyer Advertising Platforms are online lawyer directories like Avvo, FindLaw, LegalZoom, Justia, Google Screened, Google My Business and now even Yelp. This is the newest pitfall to avoid in your Lake Charles divorce lawyer hiring decision.

However, the potential harm here is not huge – nowhere near the damage done routinely by non-lawyer online divorce mills or indeed the damage likely to be done by you to your own case with DIY divorce.

If you hire a Lake Charles divorce attorney on a mass-lawyer finder platform, you’re going to overpay to some extent, depending on how much the lawyer is paying the lawyer finder platform, but not as badly as if you had hired a traditional full representation Lake Charles family law attorney directly.

Obviously, you don't want to hire a traditional full representation Lake Charles divorce attorney you find on a mass-lawyer platform. That would compound your over-payment, but the important factor here is that you don't want to hire a traditional full representation Lake Charles divorce attorney to handle your simple uncontested divorce, no matter where you find that lawyer!!

The risk with hiring a Lake Charles divorce attorney that you find ONLY on a mass-lawyer platform is that you’re hiring a mediocre Lake Charles divorce attorney – a drone who just stands in line with all other Lake Charles divorce lawyers and HOPES that s/he will get your business but does nothing to distinguish himself or herself from the Lake Charles lawyer-crowd.  That lawyer does nothing to persuade you that s/he is the unique solution to your case.  You don’t want that lawyer.

You want a Lake Charles divorce lawyer who is creative, bold, unique, stylish and business-savvy. In fact, why would you hire a Lake Charles divorce lawyer to look after your own legal and economic interests when s/he does not even look after his or her own business interests aggressively and decisively? You’re looking for a divorce lawyer who purposefully sets himself or herself apart from the Lake Charles lawyer-crowd and does NOT blend in by joining Avvo and doing nothing else.

Mass-lawyer finder platforms like Avvo are free to join, which is why every divorce lawyer in Lake Charles will have joined. So you should not disqualify a Lake Charles divorce lawyer just because s/he has an Avvo account.

However, you should not think that such a Lake Charles divorce lawyer is very smart or business-savvy either. The problem is that while these mass-lawyer platforms are free for the lawyer to join, the lawyer must then begin to pay constantly increasing fees on a bid-basis, always competing against other local Lake Charles divorce lawyers, to be seen on the top page of the platform’s website. If that lawyer doesn’t pay extra, s/he’ll be on page 3 or 5 of the mass-lawyer website in even a medium-sized town. If that lawyer doesn’t keep bidding up his or her fees, she’ll not get enough business to keep up.

It’s a winner-take-all system with the top very few lawyers in each town taking almost all the business – based on how much advertising fees they can pay – not based on how good they are or on how they have configured their offerings to suit your case. The barrier to that me-too lawyer getting your business is the amount of money s/he is prepared to pay to get it, not the quality and distinctiveness of his or her service offerings.

If that me-too divorce lawyer in Lake Charles pays more to the mass-lawyer finder company and keeps paying more, s/he’ll get a featured position on the platform's website and will get more business, but his or her costs of doing business will constantly rise while his or her fees are relatively fixed by the flat demand for consumer law services such as divorce.

The Lake Charles divorce lawyer who plays the Avvo pay-to-play game will always need more and more lower profit cases just to keep up with business costs.  You don’t want that business-foolishness in someone you will trust with your legal and economic future.

And yes, that lawyer is going to use the same brain to look after your case as s/he used to screw his or her own business into the ground.

You’re looking for a divorce lawyer who stands out boldly and decisively from the local Lake Charles lawyer-crowd. You’re looking for someone with style who stands out, not melds in. 1-800-DIVORCE is your clue. 1-800-DIVORCE is an exclusive in Lake Charles.

There is only one 1-800-DIVORCE lawyer in Lake Charles. That divorce lawyer has secured the best family law brand in the world. It brings him or her more cases at a lower cost than any other lawyer in town. Isn't that the creative, savvy, unique problem solving Lake Charles divorce lawyer you want to handle your divorce or other family law matter?
